Gravity Perks – Email Users

Current Version: 2.0.12
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Send a quick email to all users who have submitted a specific form. Gravity Perks – Email Users is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by Gravity Wiz.

Send a quick email to all users who have submitted a specific form.

What does it do? The Email Users perk allows you to send an email to users that have filled out a form that contains an email field. How does it work? It pulls all email addresses from a form's lead data then displays default email fields for you to fill out. It makes use of the native WordPress function wp_mail() so you'll need to make sure your server has a mailing system setup (this is typically handled by default by your host). If GP Email Users is reporting that everything is ok but your emails are not being sent successfully, the first step contact your hosting provider and confirm that there are no issues with your server's mail configuration.
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