It's not another WordPress email opt-in plugin.It's a powerful list building machine.
A content upgrade is a unique type of email opt-in created for a specific blog post or page. In exchange for an email address, users are offered a download related to the post or page they're visiting.
See a real return onyour blogging efforts
Turn every post into an email opt-in opportunity so your readers can become subscribers.
Significantly growyour email list
Harness the power of content upgrades to see conversion rates climb by as much as 220%!
Add more leads toyour sales funnel
The more entry-points to your email list, the more ways your readers can join your audience and become customers.
Content Upgrade Ideas to Grow Your Email List
Automatically deliver a download in exchange for an email address
A content upgrade can be anything that expands on or supplements specific content ¦ like an ebook, cheatsheet, checklist, whitepaper, report or even printables like templates, design files or planners. Target users with content they've already shown interest in, thereby increasing the the likelihood they will opt in for more.
- Ebooks
- Cheat Sheets
- Checklists
- Guides
- Whitepapers
- Reports
- Printables
- Case Studies
- Templates
- Design Files
- Infographics
- Slides
- Spreadsheets
- Audio/Video Files
- Planners
Offer Content Upgrades DirectlyFrom Your WordPress Dashboard
No Complicated Setup, Complex Settings or Off-Site Apps