JetSloth – Gravity Forms Collapsible Sections

Current Version: 1.2.20
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Gravity Forms Collapsible Sections extension makes it easy to make one or more sections in your Gravity Form collapsible with accordion style interaction. JetSloth – Gravity Forms Collapsible Sections is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by JetSloth.

Gravity Forms Collapsible Sections extension makes it easy to make one or more sections in your Gravity Form collapsible with accordion style interaction.

Make your long forms easier to navigate by grouping them into collapsible sections and increase your form conversion. Easily group your Gravity Forms fields into accordion-style sections. Long forms are notorious for bad conversions, Collapsible Sections will convert your forms into beautifully displayed, easy to use, conversion generators. Simplify your long forms to help for better user engagement and form submissions in your Gravity Forms.


Group fields with Section break to add accordions

Easily streamline the way your users or customers interact with your large Gravity Forms. Make your long forms easier to navigate by grouping them into collapsible sections and increase your form conversion.

Long forms are notorious for bad conversions, Collapsible Sections will convert your forms into beautifully displayed, easy-to-use, conversion generators.

Section Images

Add an image to each section to help better represent what each section does or is about.

Just add sections

Add new sections to your form or update already existing section fields to activate the collapsible functionality. With the option to start and end collapsible sections anywhere within your form, you can group any number of fields together, then continue your form with normal fields as desired.

Advanced Section breaks

Once the add-on activated, you can easily turn your normal section fields into collapsible accordions. Have your section fields work as the start of a collapsible group, end a collapsible group, or work as a normal section field.

Section Start

Collapsible Sections are simple to add to existing forms. Just add new sections to your form or update already existing section fields to activate the collapsible functionality.

Section End

With the option to start and end collapsible sections anywhere within your form, you can group any number of fields together, then continue your form with normal fields as desired.

Scroll settings

Control how your sections should perform after it’s opened or closed, including scrolling to settings with offsets.


Compatible with Gravity Forms Product Add-on extension for WooCommerc to help extend your e-commerce store.

Open settings

Decide which sections should be open by default when your form loads or where your submit button displays.

Section Images

Add an image to each section to help better represent what each section does or is about.

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