Kadence Custom Fonts

Current Version: 1.1.5
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Kadence Custom Fonts is a simple plugin to add custom fonts for Kadence WP theme that allows you to easily add custom fonts to your site and assign them through the theme options panel. Kadence Custom Fonts is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by Kadence WP.

Kadence Custom Fonts is a simple plugin to add custom fonts for Kadence WP theme that allows you to easily add custom fonts to your site and assign them through the theme options panel.

Upload Generated Webfont files

You can easily upload the Webfont files, and the plugin does the rest for you. For Google Fonts web font files to host locally, a great resource is: http://google-webfonts-helper.herokuapp.com/fonts To generate Webfont files from a single font file, you can use: https://www.web-font-generator.com/

Easily Assign Custom Fonts

Each custom font is automatically added to the list of font options in your Kadence Themes options panel.

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