Modern Events Calendar – Elementor FES Builder (Elementor Frontend Event Submission Builder)

Current Version: 1.2.1
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MEC Elementor FES Builder add-on allows you to  build your Frontend Event Submission Form Builder in Elementor Editor. It allows you to use many different type of fields and rearrange them by drag and drop and modify their styles. Modern Events Calendar – Elementor FES Builder (Elementor is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by Webnus.

MEC Elementor FES Builder add-on allows you to  build your Frontend Event Submission Form Builder in Elementor Editor. It allows you to use many different type of fields and rearrange them by drag and drop and modify their styles.

With this add-on you can create unique FES forms for your website with custom styles using Elementor. Other options include setting the typography of the form, padding, borders, margin customization, and most importantly using colors consistent with your website. You can layout FES forms just the way you want.

Key Features

Elementor Editor

Use Elementor Page Builder to create the forms you want.


Change the style of the form and unify it with the style of your website.

Unlimited forms

Create as many forms as you like for your tickets.

Field layout

Layout the fields in a form just like you want.

Making fields required

With this addon you can decide whether a field is going to be required to fill or not.

View the form in any style

Enables you to create your form as full-width or multi-column and there are no restrictions.

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