Paid Memberships Pro – Social Locker

Current Version: .1.1
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Give visitors a temporary membership level for following your social media accounts, without requiring them to register. Paid Memberships Pro – Social Locker is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by Stranger Studios.

Give visitors a temporary membership level for following your social media accounts, without requiring them to register.


  • Temporarily give access to membership protected content to users who €œlike €, €œfollow €, or €œ+1 € your social media account.
  • No registration required.

How it Works

When the plugin is activated, a cookie will be set for any visitor who €œlikes €, €œfollows € or €œ+1 €³s a social media account by €œunlocking € your content by interacting with Social Locker. This cookie overrides the default Paid Memberships Pro access filter for a specific membership level, effectively giving your visitor access to member protected content without requiring them to register and create a user account.
Select from membership option below. If you need more info, read the benifits & details of getting a membership, or feel free to ask pre-sales questions