Advanced Custom Fields PRO

Current Version: 6.3.12
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Customise WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.

Customise WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.

Edit smarter withAdvanced Custom Fields for WordPress Developers.

Supercharge your website with powerful functionality!

Purchase ACF PRO and unlock ACF v5 plus the repeater field, flexible content field, gallery field, clone field and options page features!

Feature #1

The Repeater Field

The repeater field allows you to create a set of sub fields which can be repeated again and again whilst editing content! Any type of field can be added as a sub field which allows you to create and manage very customized data with ease!

Feature #2

The Gallery Field

The gallery field provides a simple and intuitive interface for managing a collection of images. Multiple images can be added, edited and sorted with ease!

Feature #3

The Flexible Content Field

The flexible content field is a complete content layout manager! Define groups of sub fields (layouts) and add, edit, and re-order them to create highly customized content!

Feature #4

Clone field

The clone field allows you to select and display existing fields. It does not duplicate any field's in the DB, instead, it loads and displays the selected fields at run-time!

Feature #5

Options Pages

The options page provides a set of functions to add extra admin pages to edit ACF fields! All data saved on an options page is global and can be displayed on any page throughout the website (good for header and footer data)!

ACF Features:

Custom fields. Made easy.

Use the Advanced Custom Fields plugin to take full control of your edit screens & custom field data

Simple & Intuitive

Once installed, simply create a field group, add your fields and define the location rules. Presto! Your fields have appeared and are ready for data.

All about fields

With over 20 field types (free, premium and user submitted) to choose from, custom data management couldn't be easier, or look any better!

Made for developers

At the core of the Advanced Custom Fields plugin is the simple and intuitive API. Use functions like get_field() and the_field() to quickly build powerful templates.
Select from membership option below. If you need more info, read the benifits & details of getting a membership, or feel free to ask pre-sales questions