BuddyPages by WebDevStudios

Current Version: 1.2.5
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Front end page creation for BuddyPress profiles and groups.

Front end page creation for BuddyPress profiles and groups.

BuddyPress doesn't make it easy to add custom pages to groups or member's profiles without amending the code, which means that if you don't know how to write code,  it might as well be impossible. Even if you do  know how to write code, it still can be time-consuming and challenging. With BuddyPages, we've made it easy for anyone to add all of the  BuddyPress pages they could ever want or need.

Group Pages

BuddyPages is perfect for site admins who want to keep important information in front of their group members without it getting lost in the activity stream. For example, you can show your group members the rules for posting to the group, or remind your book club of the upcoming schedule.

Group Pages

BuddyPages is perfect for site admins who want to keep important information in front of their group members without it getting lost in the activity stream. For example, you can show your group members the rules for posting to the group, or remind your book club of the upcoming schedule.
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