Profile Builder Pro Core – WordPress Profile Plugin

Current Version: 3.12.4
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Login, registration and edit profile shortcodes for the front-end. Also you can choose what fields should be displayed or add new (custom) ones both in the front-end and in the dashboard. Profile Builder Pro Core – WordPress Profile Plugin is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by Cozmoslabs.

Login, registration and edit profile shortcodes for the front-end. Also you can choose what fields should be displayed or add new (custom) ones both in the front-end and in the dashboard.

Do YOU want to customize your website by adding front-end registration, profile and login forms? You can use Profile Builder - the Profile Plugin for WordPress. To achieve this, just create a new page, and give it an intuitive name (i.e. Edit Profile). Now all you need to do is add the following shortcode: [wppb-edit-profile] . Publish your page and you are done! Profile Builder is the all in one user registration and management plugin for WordPress sites.

Pro Features:

  • Login, Register and Edit Profile Shortcodes
  • Manage Default User Fields
  • Minimum Password Length & Strength
  • Unlimited Extra User Fields
  • Conditional Logic for Fields
  • Avatar Upload For Users
  • reCaptcha Support
  • Import / Export Users (*via third party)
  • Advanced User ModulesFront-End User ListingMultiple Registration FormsMultiple Edit Profile FormsCustom Redirects Admin Approval & Email ConfirmationEmail CustomizerRepeater Fields
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