QSM – Advanced Leaderboard

Current Version: 2.0.1
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This add-on enhances the leaderboard system and gives you 4 new leaderboard shortcodes and 2 new widgets that you can customize per use. QSM – Advanced Leaderboard is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by ExpressTech.

This add-on enhances the leaderboard system and gives you 4 new leaderboard shortcodes and 2 new widgets that you can customize per use.

You can edit how many results are listed, the name of the leaderboard, and the order the results are listed in.

The four shortcodes are:

List results from one quiz

List results from all quizzes

Bar graph of results from one quiz

Bar graph of results from all quizzes

The two widgets are:

List results from one quiz or all quizzes

Bar graph of results from one quiz or all quizzes

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