Charitable – Simple Updates

Current Version: 1.3.1
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Adds an Updates section to your campaigns. Integrated with Charitable Ambassadors to allow your campaign creators to post updates about their campaign. Charitable – Simple Updates is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by WP Charitable.

Adds an Updates section to your campaigns. Integrated with Charitable Ambassadors to allow your campaign creators to post updates about their campaign.

Share updates about your campaigns and display them in a widget, with a shortcode or a PHP function.

Charitable Simple Updatesadds a new tab called “Updates” to the advanced campaign settings box, allowing you to write about any developments in your fundraising campaign.

Display updates with a widget

Simple Updates comes with a super simple widget that you can drop into any of your theme’s widget ready areas.

Just open up the WordPress Customizer and add the Campaign Updates widget where you’d like it. You can choose to show updates by a specific campaign or limit it to the campaign currently being viewed. You can also choose to completely hide the widget if there are no updates to show.

Display updates with a shortcode

You can also add the Updates to any content area using the shortcode.

Integrate it with a PHP function

If you’re comfortable writing a little PHP, you can integrate updates with a simple PHP function.

Select from membership option below. If you need more info, read the benifits & details of getting a membership, or feel free to ask pre-sales questions