WP OnlineSupport – Album and Image Gallery Plus Lightbox Pro

Current Version: 1.8
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Easy to add and display image gallery, gallery slider, Image album and Image album slider with various design. WP OnlineSupport – Album and Image Gallery Plus is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by WP OnlineSupport.

Easy to add and display image gallery, gallery slider, Image album and Image album slider with various design.

The most basic Album plugin, but still makes a great impression on any web site! Add images to your Albums directly from your WordPress Media Manager, add the captions you want, drag and drop and display.

Display your beautiful photographs for all to see

Use Album grid and slider to create a simple but effective Album gallery to show off your beautiful photographs and other images.

All in one with 15+ Designs

15+ Gallery Designs

Plugin Feature List

All additional features included

15+ Designs for album grid & slider view

15+ Designs for gallery grid & slider view

Album Masonary Layout

Gallery Masonary Layout

Album Images in a responsive lightbox

Gallery Images in a responsive lightbox

Drag & Drop Order Change

Fully Responsive and Touch Based Slider

Slider RTL Support

Hide/Show Slider Pagination & Arrows

Slider Autoplay and Speed Interval

Limit to display number of album and images

Display album and gallery categories wise

Custom link for album and gallery

Include/Exclude Category

Include/Exclude album

Album Order ASC OR DESC

Code written with WordPress standard

Fully Responsive

100% Multi language

Custom CSS editor

Powerful Shortcode Generator Tool

Custom CSS option

Allow you to add custom css to overwrite plugin css.

Drag & Drop order change

Allow you to change the order of Albums and images with drag and drop function.

Short codes

Allow you to add and manage the all the designs with 4 short codes and shortcode parameters.
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