Set up an awesome support ticket system on any WordPress site, complete with FAQ.
Set your network apart with fast reliable support. Give users a place to browse help topics, or to contact you directly and receive responses right from the dashboard.
Support System takes your service from good to GREAT by adding a support ticket system complete with FAQ.
Quickly set up a full-featured FAQ and reliable ticketing system for your users. Bring the foundations of incredible support to your site or network.
Hassle-free Ticketing System
Users can conveniently submit tickets and track responses from both the front and back end. Support System comes packaged with ticket specific categories for powerful searchability. Assign staff tickets based on category and make sure questions are answered quickly by the right member of your team.
Fully Functional Text Editor
Give users the tools they need to clearly articulate their needs. The included text editor is perfect for simple styling and file sharing - ideal for including screenshots. Plus, you can embed videos. Use any supported video host, such as YouTube or quickly embed videos from our Integrated Video Tutorials plugin.
Answer Questions Before They're Asked
Lighten your workload while providing excellent support with an easy-to-navigate FAQ. Clear your inbox of repetitive questions by answering them before they are even asked. Make sure users get the answer they need by allowing them to rate how helpful your FAQ posts are. Get feedback and make adjustments for the best available support.
Build Your Business on Excellent Support
It's easy to lose track of support requests in a crowded email inbox. Support System makes it easy to keep track of conversations with clear threads, staff assignments, email notifications and searchable archives. For maximum convenience and first-class support use Support System.
Loads of Features for Top-tier Support
Support System is packed with everything you need to provide VIP service to your users.
- Easy-to-use interface for viewing and answering tickets
- Email notifications when new tickets arrive
- Assign tickets to specific team members/staff
- Fully functional editor lets you include styles and images in your responses
- Users get a handy built-in Dashboard menu that allows them to view, create and submit tickets
- Tickets status tracking
- Create an FAQ area where users can find and vote on existing answers
- Embed media (like helpful videos) in your FAQs
- Fully integrates with Pro Sites so you can make support a premium feature
- Powerful Multisite integration