YITH – WooCommerce Product Countdown Premium

Current Version: 1.5.3
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The right time for the right product. YITH – WooCommerce Product Countdown Premium is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by YITH.

The right time for the right product.

€œExploit the urgency and scarcity principle for your site and you'll see conversions increase dramatically €. This is one of the most recurrent expressions in the web when talking about marketing strategies, but it could not be truer. If users realise that their time to make a decision is limited or that the product they are interested in is available only in a limited amount of items, they will decide sooner and quicker to purchase. That's exactly what a countdown makes.

Bet on urgency and scarcity principles with a simple but extremely powerful plugin

Using a countdown for your products will help you increase purchases exponentially. With YITH WooCommerce Product Countdown you will be able to show a specific countdown for each of your products and trigger exactly the same effect of a last minute offer. Then, if you add to this the effect of scarcity principle and you can show the number of items left and update them in real time, it's done: interested users become actual customers, they will rush to buy because they probably will no longer find the item they were interested in.


  • Sale bar displaying the sale progress of a product
  • Customizable content (countdown and/or sale bar)
  • Decide in which page you want to show the countdown (product detail page and/or category page)
  • Choose the position of the countdown in product detail page and category page
  • Action to schedule at the end pf the countdown and/or for the depletion of the related products
  • Shortcode and widget available
  • Customizable texts
  • 3 countdown layouts available (you can customize their style)
  • Freedom to place a unique countdown for groups of products (product selection, product category, recent products, discounted products, €œfeatured € products)
  • Freedom to add a "Top bar" on every page that contains the countdown for a specific product
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