Give – Zapier

Current Version: 1.4.2
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Adds Zapier integration to Give. Trigger actions based on new donations and more. Give – Zapier is a Premium Wordpress Plugin developed by GiveWP.

Adds Zapier integration to Give. Trigger actions based on new donations and more.

Connect your Give install to Zapier and integrate with many of today's top web services and applications. A simple and powerful way to integrate Give with 400+ third party web services, including SalesForce, Google Docs, Twilio, Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, Xero, Zendesk, Dropbox and more! Here are just a few of the ways you can use Zapier and Give together:
  • Email & SMS: Send notifications when a new donation  is made  (e.g. Twilio, Gmail)
  • CRM: Add leads/contacts and notes to your CRM (e.g Highrise, Salesforce)
  • Accounting: Create invoices and contacts in your accounting system (e.g. Xero)
  • Mailing List: Update your mailing list through MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, AWeber, SendGrid, and others
  • Spreadsheets: Add donations  to a shared spreadsheet or CSV file, perhaps through Google Docs, Dropbox, or Google Drive
  • Contacts: Add donor  details to your address book (Google Contacts)
  • Help Desk: Add a ticket to your help desk system powered by Zendesk,, or others
  • Team Chat:  Send an instant message to your team's chat room using Hall, Slack, Hipchat, and others

Add-on Highlights

  •  Integrate with 400+ Web Services
  •  Automate common tasks
  •  Slack, Twilio, Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, Xero, Zendesk, Dropbox, Google Docs and more!
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